Yikes! 40% of New Leaders Fail. Here’s a Quick, Safe Way to Help Curb That.

In our coaching practice we do a lot of work with new executive leaders, either promoted from within or recruited from outside. It’s an absolute delight to work with a company that values a strategic and disciplined approach to onboarding new leaders. All too often that’s not the case. Thus, the reason why studies have shown that 40% of new leaders fail. 

The only thing certain about a leadership transition is its inherent uncertainty. What are the priorities of the new leader? Will there be changes? How will they fit in, or worst yet, will they? In my experience, culture fit, particularly with their team, is of critical importance in dictating a new leader’s success.

Teams often have limited information about a new leader, their priorities and operating style. Likewise, the new leader comes in with their own ideas, may not take the time to “listen and learn”, and often is unaware of key issues and/or concerns. Yet, building rapport and trust quickly is essential for the team to perform. A best practice we’ve used to accelerate the time it takes for a new leader and their team to get to know each other, clarify expectations and ensure a successful start is a New Leader Assimilation session. It’s best done at about the 45-to-60-day mark of the leader’s tenure, facilitated by an objective, third party who walks the leader and team through a series of steps and questions, only taking a few hours.

  1. Leader sets the tone and exits. The leader opens the session by giving a brief explanation of their leadership style, background, operating philosophies and vision for the team. The leader encourages open, honest communication and commits to listening and being responsive to the needs of the group. The leader then hands off to the coach or facilitator and leaves the session.
  2. Feedback and group input. Next, the coach walks the team through a series of questions and documents on a flip chart all of the responses. Questions include:
  • What do, and don’t you know about the Leader (but would like to know)?
  • What do you want the Leader to know about the team? You? The company? Current state? History/background? Company culture?
  • What should the Leader pay attention to in this role?
  • What do you need most from the Leader?
  • If you could define the top 3 priorities for the Leader in the next six months to a year what would they be?
  • What one or two things can the Leader do to help you individually and/or as a team right now? (source of early wins/quick fixes for team)
  • What are your concerns? What are you afraid to ask?
  • How are you going to help to make the Leader successful?

    3. Leader response preparation. The team breaks, and the coach debriefs with the Leader one-on-one to review the feedback and formulate messaging and response. The more candid and transparent the Leader is the better. Quick wins should be identified and fleshed out

    4. Leader/team open discussion, commitment and follow up. The Leader and team re-group and the Coach facilitates discussion around the Leader’s responses and clarifying questions. Quick fixes are discussed. It’s important the Leader thanks the group for their input and commit to next steps and follow up.

The New Leader Assimilation is a quick, safe way to fuel team connection, initiate trust, and ultimately drive performance. It’s a small investment of time that pays huge dividends. If the leader is successful, then the team is successful. Because always remember … Leadership Matters.