Inspiration: A Graduation Speech that Leaves the Audience Speechless

This commencement speech to the University of Texas at Austin from retired Navy four-star Admiral William Harry McRaven is sure to inspire you. His 10 Lessons Learned from Navy Seal Training “To Help Change the World” received 8.9 million hits on YouTube and left the audience speechless. My husband literally saluted at the end of watching this video so I thought it was an ideal time to highlight with our nation’s 4th of July celebration around the corner. The “10 lessons” are powerful, applying to both life and leadership. The accompanying stories provide incredible  insights about our U.S. Navy Seal training which is sure to hold your interest. A favorite part of mine is McRaven’s story about the “munchkin crew” as he highlights lesson # 3 on “Respecting Everyone”.

1) Start the day with a task completed

2) Find someone to help you through life

3) Respect everyone

4) Life is not always fair, move forward

5) Don’t be afraid to fail, often

6) Take risks

7) Face down the bullies

8) Step up when times are toughest

9) Lift up the downtrodden

10) Never give up

Watch his powerful speech here.